
Relationship Coaching

Life is all about relationships, from before we are born until we leave our bodies.  We are in relationships.  It is part of being human.

Most of us want our relationships to be healthy, balanced, harmonious, loving, and fulfilling.  That would be ideal, but many of our relationship skills are unhealthy, learned from our parents or primary care-givers, either directly or by observation. 

Many of us lived in environments that were challenging or, even, unsafe and our natural inclination is to protect ourselves.

We learned that feelings and honesty, and being authentic, were a recipe for trouble.  We moved into adulthood with frozen emotions, securely attached to our nervous systems.  We may, even, create an emotional shell to protect from pain.  It can look like strength, or brevity, or anger, or habits that feel good, but are not good for us.  These protective shells keep us from feeling complete love and joy, from having healthy intimate or working relationships, or from experiencing a sense of being completely awake and alive.  We may feel chronically lonely, or remain in unhealthy relationships.

Relationship trauma can be healed.  Regret, shame and guilt can be healed. Forgiveness and self-love can occur. Unhealthy relationship patterns can be changed and healthy relationships skills can be learned.  All of which can result in an incredibly joyful and awake life!

Discover and understand your unhealthy relationship patterns.  Heal the unresolved hurt, define the kind of relationships you want to have and, then, learn the skills you need to create your fulfilling life, designed by you and supported by healthy relationships.

Did you have experiences in your past that were stressful, fearful and painful that caused unresolved hurts and suffering?  Are your relationships being affected? 

Are you ready to create healthy relationships in your life?

Contact me for a complimentary consultation.  It is important that you feel comfortable in working with me.  Please, meet me.  Ask questions.  Then, when you are ready, let’s create some healthy relationships!

Create a Life You Love

Take advantage of your Complimentary Consultation

Falling Awake Coaching & Hypnosis is a Trauma Sensitive Practice